

There are Bible study materials for families with any ages of children and parents. Annual materials are spiral bound with 52 lessons. In addition to student workbooks and parent study guides there are story books, song books, map books, concentration games, word cards, verse cards, verse-tracing books, and verse-emphasis crafts. See Downloads, Attributes and Trojan Horse info.

Toddler (Ages 1-2)

Preschool (Ages 2-5):  Preschool (Ages 2-3)Prekindergarten (Reading Readiness, appx. Age 4)Kindergarten (Beginning Reading, appx. Age 5)

Primary:  Early Primary (appx. Grade 1); Primary (appx. Grade 2); Middler (Grades 3-4)

Above Primary:  Junior (Grades 4-6); Jr. HS, Sr HS (Grades 7-12); College-Adult 

Parent/Teacher Books:  Parent Study Guide (for families with younger children who like passage-centered activities - often Mom's study); Family Leader Study Guide (for families with older children who like passage-centered discussion questions - often Dad's study)

There are CDs for those who prefer to print their own materials. The Attributes and Trojan Horse materials are studies for upper high school and above.